Дизайнеры Scrooser Manufactory разработали концепт электрического скутера-самоката, рассчитанного на эксплуатацию в городской среде. Главной особенностью новинки, получившей имя Scrooser, является возможность использовать скутер как самокат, приводя аппарат в движение с помощью мускульной силы, или же как традиционный электроскутер.
On the technical features of Scrooser know until it's too much: Scooter scooter weighs only 28 kg, the maximum speed is around 25 km / h, and the battery charge is enough to overcome the path length of 35 km. In addition, a dead battery can be quickly recharged from a standard wall outlet, because it takes only one hour.
The main feature of the design concept Scrooser are disparities between the large wheels, playing the role of the suspension, and the elegant aluminum frame. The latter, by the way, the customer can be painted in any color. German designers creations can be perceived in different ways, but the fact that the collection of funds for kickstarter.com has brought developers to the required amount, said a substantial interest of the public. So it is quite possible in the near future to see the scooter-scooter Scrooser on the streets of the world. Scrooser Manufactory company promises that the price of new items will not exceed the threshold of 3,000 euros.