Brand Scorpio has let out the new modern motorcycle alarm system of model SR-i900 on the market.
The new motorcycle alarm system from Scorpio absolutely new system realised in SR-i900, represents, according to the manufacturer, a new step to business of safety and safety of motorcycles and other motor-technics. Alarm system SR-i900 is a supernumerary device with the bilateral paging FM-communication, developed and adjusted specially for motorcycles and scooters.
Thanks to the built in RFID-chips the system itself distinguishes, when the remote control block is near to protected technics, and when there is no, and in appropriate way activates protection system that gives a guarantee that your device will not steal even if you will forget to press the necessary button, having departed from a motorcycle.
Panel of remote control SR-i900, thanks to the applied high-frequency technology of communication, provides confident reception and sending of commands on distance to 800 metres from a motorcycle/scooter.
In the touch mechanism the alarm system uses built in accelerometer which works both on blows and pushes, and on change of a corner of an arrangement of a vehicle in space concerning an earth surface. Thus the basic module alarm can be placed in any place, and he does not demand additional adjustment. The device price – 379 dollars
Brand Scorpio develops company Aritronix – in the lead American firm in the field of motorcycle safety. Aritronix develops and sells the devices, called to provide safety of your motor-technics and to guarantee against unapproved change of the owner, since 1989. The company Headquarters settles down in the city of Skotsdejl, the State of Arizona, the USA. Official distributors of the company work in the USA, Canada, Singapore, Australia, and also in seven countries of Europe – Denmark, Norway, Spain, Greece, Czechia, Slovakia and Romania. Company production also can be got through the Internet directly at the manufacturer.